We have heard we have entered unprecedented times. Where parents by default may become responsible for not only early childhood education and care but teachers in their homes. Homeschooling without any professional development for them as teachers. I want to reassure you that you will not be alone teachers will be there to help. Parents although the first teachers of their children are not trained as teachers.
Great information by Maggie Dent -Maggie Dent is one of Australia’s pre-eminent and much-loved parenting authors and educators. She’s an advocate for kids and parents alike and is known for her common-sense approach to parenting.
“As parents, we’re anxious, scared and stressed out about the future and what’s going to happen. But we’ve never had such an important job to do – helping our children through this difficult time, while also looking after ourselves.” Maggie Dent
Many parents are now going to have children at home needing to do school stuff, especially upper secondary. Here are her words of wisdom at this time. You can listen to the full podcast here.
Here is a summary of her main points. Main points-
- The brain does not learn under stress and so it is important to create an environment in the home when kids feel safe. So even though we are stressed as parents we have to portray that we have got this. We are ok and we will get through this. Have realistic aspirations for this time while still holding your high aspirations.
- Create predictability in the home.
- Keep the TV off gain your information from a reliable source.
- You now have time. So fit in the things you couldn’t fit in before – time to read to the kids; time to go out in nature and play. We need the movement and the Vitamin D. What can I do to help my family feel less vulnerable right now and support their social and emotional and physical wellbeing.
- What can you and your family do for others you know?
Remember we have no idea how long this will last, and each day will be a different day. In summary, the most effective ways to engage with your children are
1. Create a routine so that kids feel safe in what will happen each day.
2.Have realistic expectations for everyone including yurself for this time while still holding on to your high aspirations.
3. You don’t have to be anywhere. Relax and enjoy the time. Make the most of the parent-child interaction and have those age-appropriate conversations as they arise.
4. It is more important to support their social-emotional and physical wellbeing.
5. Provide a supportive environment that makes them feel safe and as cognitively stimulating as you can. No right ways use your creativity.
6. You are not the teacher so stay in contact with your school and what they are providing. Now more than ever we have to work together.
Please feel free to contact me if I can help in any way.
Stay safe Cathy
Experience as Principal, Teacher, and Mother of three. Diploma of Teaching, BED, BA, Masters of Educational Administration, Ph.D. Candidate focusing on teachers’ understanding of parent engagement.